Session Abstracts

Day 1 (Saturday) 06/18/22
Keynote 9:00-9:50amOpen Letter to B.F. Skinner on “whatever Happened to Psychology as the Science of Behavior” 
10:05-11:00amCan Everyone See My Slides?: Blending Active Student Responding with Synchronous Instruction to Evaluate Response Accuracy and Student Engagement

QUICK Responses: A Behavioral Toolbox for School Consulting
Workshop 10:05-1:00pmDiscovering the Impact of European Colonization Throughout the West African Diaspora Through a Culturo-behavioral Scientific Lens 
11:10am-12:05pmDiversity in Mentorship: Faculty and Student Outlooks

Effective Behavioral Strategies to Address PICA

Reframing DEI: Exploring Avoidance Contingencies
(Lunch & Learn)
Big Exam Prep Talk
1:00pm-2:25pmWhitesplaining Racism: Logic Disproportionality Avatars and Hate Crimes 
Workshop 1:35-4:30pmHeuristic Inquiry: Bridging Research with Living Experience as a Framework for Healing 
1:35-2:25ABA While Black: The Impact of Racism and Performative Allyship on Black Behaviorists in the Workplace and on Social Media 
2:35pm-3:40pmThe Dissemination Project: Bringing Awareness and Acceptance to the Field of ABA in an Unconventional Way

Addressing the Root Cause: Company-wide Climate Assessments and Action Plans Which Address Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Practices Via a Grassroots and Systems-level Approach

Empowering Parents to Implement ABA at Home
3:45pm-4:40pmProfessional vs Unprofessional – A Panel Discussion on the Function and Impact of These Terms in the Profession

Tales by Moonlight

Growing Your Cultural Diversity Recognition and Reflection Within Your Practice
Day 2 (Sunday) 06/19/22
Keynote 9:00-9:50amLeadership in Service of Community: A Journey from Survival to Thriving 
Workshop 10:05-1:00pBeyond “Behavior Problems”: Supporting individuals with Co-occurring Needs and Mental Health Diagnoses 
10:05-11:00amDismantling Oppressive Practices

Due Process Decisions and Outcomes for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
11:10am-12:05pmInfluencing Organizational Culture via Mission & Values

Unraveling the Thread of Injustice in the Field of Applied Behavior Analysis with the Harnessing the Values and Committed Action

Person Centered ABA: Values for Fostering a Strength Based Approach
12:05-1:30pm (Lunch & Learn)Textual Responding and Verbal Behavior Analysis: Promoting Equity through Literacy
Workshop 1:00-4:00pmLiteracy as Social Justice: Reading Instruction and Culturally Relevant Practices
1:35pm-2:25pmEducation, Innovation, Service, & Community in Culturo-Behavior Science

Decolonizing Professionalism
2:35pm-3:40pmDialectical Transformation: Learning about Collective Shaping through Shaping the Collective

Applied Behavior Analysis Dissemination in West Africa

The Effects of Trauma and Resiliency in Black American Women
3:40-4:40pmPoster Session 
Day 3 (Monday) 06/20/22
Keynote 9:00am-12:00pmOwnership & Profitability: Breaking Barriers for Black Owned ABA Therapy Practices 
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